
reading the dirty parts of Sidnay Sheldon books.lvendually,v/e .all got our1 desks cleaned out,but that, was way after school, was out ..We di dn * .t all go home until about 5:30 ..We went to Disney World the next day,which didn’t prove to; be as exciting as everyone had expec tc\d,but it was pretty good.The best part was that there were no teachers around to. order us around the way they always do.The very last day we were on school grounds was the day three teachers went home early*complaining of headaches.. The basketball nets*which the coach, worshipped so were totally destroyed, when someone from the middle of a crowd threw a flaming torch into. all. of the nets.The bathrooms turned into a literal craphouse. when all the walls were bombarded with toilet paper that was doused in toilet: water.The teachers never found out until the day was over-and everyone was gone.This was because all the teachers were women,and this. is(or was)an all. boys school. When we left*the whole building was in shambels,and no one fron^^ our class would ever dare return to. that school,'
But the eighth grade, and that aweful school is behind me
naw,and I prefer not to think about it.In a couple of months*
1111 start high school,and begin wishing. 1 was back at that aweful school again.Just my luck*I’m ging to another all boys school for another four years*It’s getting to. the point where I’ll, be unable to learn anything when I get into college with other worn on. I really doubt that,but you never know.
Something.’ s going top happen tomorrow that should make the rest of the summer a bore.Linda Schotte is throwing a party far the whole eighth grade class.lt’s a.little late for a graduation party,hut no one at my school cares.We have a reputation far having the wildest party’s around at our school.I guess tha mask es us cnvied*but some times* our parties get a little out of hand* We to tally cleaned out some, poor girl’s house, once, of all her food and broke, every window she wishes she had again.To the. life. o.f me I can't figure out why that happened,but it’s too late for autopsy’s,so no one remembers it any more.We have so.
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many party’s here,that you normally forget about a normal party the next day.The only party that everyone remembers is the one
- Author
- mark thomas